Raw Sequence Folder Structure

Each recorded .bag file is placed within its own folder. This folder contains intrinsic and extrinsic parameters for each camera recorded in the .bag file, as well as time offsets and a list of recorded objects on the scene.

The example of the dataset configuration folder (without a .bag file) can be found here. The configuration folder should contain:

  • objects.txt - a file listing the recorded objects

  • one or several camera configuration folders

  • <folder_name>.bag - a bag file with the same name as the sequence’s folder

An example of the file tree for a raw sequence’s folder is below:

├── flea3_7
│   ├── calib.txt
│   ├── extrinsics.txt
│   └── params.txt
├── left_camera
│   ├── calib.txt
│   ├── extrinsics.txt
│   └── params.txt
├── objects.txt
├── right_camera
│   ├── calib.txt
│   ├── extrinsics.txt
│   └── params.txt
├── samsung_mono
│   ├── calib.txt
│   ├── extrinsics.txt
│   └── params.txt
└── scene13_dyn_test_00.bag




a single line with camera intrinsic parameters in a format fx fy cx cy k1 k2 and k3 k4 for equidistant distortion model and p1 p2 for radtan distortion model. See relevant code here and here.


4 lines; first line: 6 parameters tx ty tz roll pitch yaw - Euler angles for camera-to-Vicon transformation. Third line: a single number, camera-to-Vicon timestamp offset in seconds. See relevant code here.


Camera’s resolution, distortion model (radtan or equidistant), and associated topics


Object’s in the objects directory that should be in a sequence. (example) The objects that are not listed (or commented out) will not be in the ground truth, even if recorded. If the object is included in objects.txt but has no ROS messages, most tools will terminate with an error. To create new objects see adding a new object


ROS bagfile containing the raw data for the sequence

The following topics can be specified in params.txt:




ROS topic with classical rgb camera frames; can be none


ROS topic with events from DVS cameras; can be none


ROS topic with Vicon messages for the camera and objects


A folder of default camera configurations are provided here. The defaults are used by the online tool.