# Raw Sequence Folder Structure Each recorded `.bag` file is placed within its own folder. This folder contains intrinsic and extrinsic parameters for each camera recorded in the `.bag` file, as well as time offsets and a list of recorded objects on the scene. The example of the dataset configuration folder (without a .bag file) can be found [here](https://github.com/better-flow/evimo/tree/master/evimo/config). The configuration folder should contain: - `objects.txt` - a file listing the recorded objects - one or several *camera configuration folders* - `.bag` - a bag file with the same name as the sequence's folder An example of the file tree for a raw sequence's folder is below: ``` scene13_dyn_test_00 ├── flea3_7 │   ├── calib.txt │   ├── extrinsics.txt │   └── params.txt ├── left_camera │   ├── calib.txt │   ├── extrinsics.txt │   └── params.txt ├── objects.txt ├── right_camera │   ├── calib.txt │   ├── extrinsics.txt │   └── params.txt ├── samsung_mono │   ├── calib.txt │   ├── extrinsics.txt │   └── params.txt └── scene13_dyn_test_00.bag ``` |File |Description | --- | --- | |`'calib.txt'`| a single line with camera intrinsic parameters in a format `fx fy cx cy k1 k2` and `k3 k4` for *equidistant* distortion model and `p1 p2` for *radtan* distortion model. See relevant code [here](https://github.com/better-flow/evimo/blob/02db52855d11907ccd8494b84ef8b753209f98ef/evimo/dataset.h#L441) and [here](https://github.com/better-flow/evimo/blob/02db52855d11907ccd8494b84ef8b753209f98ef/evimo/dataset.h#L657). | |`'extrinsics.txt'`| 4 lines; first line: 6 parameters `tx ty tz roll pitch yaw` - Euler angles for camera-to-Vicon transformation. Third line: a single number, camera-to-Vicon timestamp offset in seconds. See relevant code [here](https://github.com/better-flow/evimo/blob/02db52855d11907ccd8494b84ef8b753209f98ef/evimo/dataset.h#L499).| |`'params.txt'`| Camera's resolution, distortion model (`radtan` or `equidistant`), and associated topics| |`'objects.txt'`| Object's in the [objects directory](https://github.com/better-flow/evimo/tree/master/evimo/objects) that should be in a sequence. [(example)](https://github.com/better-flow/evimo/blob/master/evimo/config/objects.txt) The objects that are not listed (or commented out) will not be in the ground truth, even if recorded. If the object is included in `objects.txt` but has no ROS messages, most tools will terminate with an error. To create new objects see [adding a new object](adding-a-new-object.md)| |`'.bag'`| ROS bagfile containing the raw data for the sequence| The following topics can be specified in `params.txt`: |Topic |Description | |--- | --- | |`ros_image_topic`| ROS topic with classical rgb camera frames; can be `none`| |`ros_event_topic`| ROS topic with events from DVS cameras; can be `none`| |`ros_pos_topic`| ROS topic with [Vicon messages](https://github.com/KumarRobotics/vicon/tree/a6143808872ab02e8ebdc9384d4ea4d475e815b8/vicon/msg) for the camera and objects| ## Defaults A folder of default camera configurations are provided [here](https://github.com/better-flow/evimo/tree/master/evimo/config). The defaults are used by the online tool.