EVIMO Docker Environment

A docker environment is provided to simplify generating the dataset from raw recordings. The source is here.

It is assumed below that the raw recordings are available in a directory /media/$(USER)/EVIMO. A full generation requires 4TB of disk space.

Refer to this page for instructions on using this container to generate EVIMO2v2 from the raw recordings.


Download the repository, enter the docker directory, build the container, run the container, compile and install tools mounted from the host filesystem.

git clone https://github.com/better-flow/evimo.git
cd evimo/tools/evimo2_docker
./docker_run.sh /media/$(USER)/EVIMO
cd ~/catkin_ws; catkin_make; pip3 install -e ~/pydvs/lib; cd
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

catkin_make only needs to be run once because catkin_ws is stored on the host and mounted into the container.


docker_build.sh does the following things:

  • Creates a docker_home folder on the host, it is persistent between containers

  • Adds a command to source required ROS environment variables to the containers .bashrc

  • Creates a catkin_ws with ROS dependencies in docker_home

  • Clones the pydvs python package to evimo2_docker. It is not cloned to docker_home in order to avoid accidental deletion.

Because all source code is in the docker_home folder, which is mounted into the running container, code changes and ROS compilation is persistent across containers. This allows easy code editing from the host.

docker_run.sh does the following things:

  • Mounts the first argument to /home/$USER/EVIMO. This will likely be a 4TB or larger hard drive that will be used storing generated artifacts.

  • Mounts the docker_home folder to /home/$USER (allows ROS to have persistence across container instances)

  • Mounts the catkin workspace in that fake home directory

  • Mounts the evimo ROS package into the catkin workspace

  • Mounts the evimo tools into the home folder (for generating the dataset)

  • Mounts pydvs into the home folder (for generating the dataset)

  • Runs as the host user (so permissions and ownership are correct on host machine)

  • Allows using sudo, so you can still modify the container’s files

  • Gives access to hosts X server (GUI apps), as a result it is insecure, only run trusted software in here


Running catkin_make is required only when the C++ codes are changed. It does not need to be re-run if the container is restarted.


Pydvs is installed using the “editable” mode. This means python codes can be edited and run without running pip3 again. However, updating pydvs’s C components will require running pip3 again.