Offline Generation Tool

This page describes how to use the offline tool - the main tool to generate ground truth from a recording. The input to the tool is a dataset configuration folder with a recorded .bag file, which contains ROS topics with camera frames or events and vicon messages.

A ROS environment and workspace that is analagous to the provided Docker environment is required.

The tool is only capable of running per-camera; a typical roslaunch command may look like:

    roslaunch evimo event_imo_offline.launch show:=-1 folder:=<dataset configuration folder> camera_name:=<camera_name> \
                                             generate:=true \
                                             save_3d:=false \
                                             fps:=40 \
                                             t_offset:=0 \

After the generation, the TXT version of the ground truth can be found in:
<dataset configuration folder>/<camera_name>/ground_truth


The parameters of the .launch file are:




Path to the dataset configuration folder


Name of the folder within the dataset configuration folder
that contains the camera configuration


-1 disables the visualization
-2 allows to inspect the sequence frame-by-frame’
Positive numbers show the trajectory and a collection of evenly
spaced frames (e.g. show:=10 will render data at 10 timestamps).
A full description of the visualization modes is available here


If true, the ground truth will be saved in the camera folder
(in ground_truth subfolder) within the dataset configuration folder.


Experimental feature that will save filtered events as a .ply file


The tool will attempt to generate ground truth every 1/fps seconds

In EVIMO2v2 the frame rate and timestamps are gaurunteed for
event cameras. For classical cameras, the frametimes determine
the ground truth times.

In EVIMO and EVIMO2v1 the actual frame rate or timestamps
are not guaranteed. Ground truth is only generated when both
events (or camera frame) and Vicon pose are available. E.g. the
actual timestamp will ‘stick’ to the lowest rate data source.


Skip t_offset seconds from the beginning of the recording


Process at most t_len seconds
Negative values cause the entire recording to be processed